DASL - Disciplinary Procedures

A Disciplinary Committee, consisting of several volunteers from within the League, shall determine disciplinary action guidelines. The committee shall receive, review and make decisions on complaints against individuals or teams.

Based on the majority consensus of the Members of the Board of the Diablo Adult Soccer League, the Disciplinary Committee adopted the following rules and policies. Unless specifically noted otherwise, the F.I.F.A. standards for discipline and penalties shall prevail, whether stipulated in our literature or not.

Neither the League nor the Disciplinary Committee has any designated monitors for rule infractions. Therefore, all players must police the conduct of their own team, as a rule infraction by one member may cause suspension for the entire team. And, every player in the League must police the actions of all other teams and players. Rule violations must be reported to the Disciplinary Committee. The Disciplinary Committee will react to any knowledge of a rule infraction. A formal report or protest is not necessary. The suspension(s) shall be served in the next scheduled league game(s) immediately following the notification by the Disciplinary Chairperson. Upon notification of a suspension, the team representative must immediately turn in the player pass to the Disciplinary Chairperson. Once the suspension has been served, it is the team representative's responsibility to notify the Disciplinary Chairperson that the suspension has been completed. The Disciplinary Chairperson shall then return the player pass to the team representative. The failure to notify the Disciplinary Chairperson will result in retaining the player pass by the Disciplinary Chairperson.

By unanimous expression, the teams in this League want the Disciplinary Committee to be strict and firm. The committee therefore, in order to protect the concepts of the League, shall conduct itself accordingly.

Methods of dealing with disciplinary cases:

  • The disciplinary committee is to be duly appointed by the Members of the Board of the Diablo Adult Soccer League. This committee shall act for the League in all disciplinary matters and shall have discretionary powers in interpreting the degree of correction. 
  • The corrections outlined herein are to be considered as suggestions for the first offense. The degree of correction may be increased or decreased according to the gravity of the offense.
  • In case of repetition (i.e., if the same player during the same season is reported for another offense, even if the infraction is not of the same nature) more severe action must be taken.
  • The Disciplinary Chairperson shall apply the corrections outlined below for all straight forward disciplinary cases. If there is a dispute, the Disciplinary Chairperson then shall call the Committee Members. The majority of the Committee Members shall then determine what correction for an offense shall be applied. In case of a tie, the Committee Chairperson shall then cast the deciding vote.
  • A player, who has received six or more points for match infractions, shall be notified by the Disciplinary Chairperson in writing and warned that future infringements will be cause for more severe action.

Recommended corrections:

1. The player is cautioned by the referee (without expulsion) for:

a. Rough or dangerous play
b. Criticism of the referee's decision
c. Damaging remarks concerning other players, spectators or referees and other unsporting behavior or gestures.

Case of repetition: To suspend for a match or to suspend for more than one match if points accumulation is reached within 13 months as it relates to match suspensions. For 1a and 1b, for the second, third or fourth offense, a player will sit out two, four or eight games respectively.

2. Expulsion of a player by the referee for:

a. Rough, dangerous play
b. Insulting players or spectators (use of foul or abusive language or gesture)
c. Repeated unsporting behavior despite previous caution
d. Denying a player a goal scoring opportunity by deliberate handling
e. Leaving the field as protest against the referee's decision

f. Denying a player a goal scoring opportunity by foul

Correction: To suspend for one match, excluding d.
Case of repetition: To suspend for two matches. Refusal to give the name to the referee will always be corrected by suspension of a further match (in case of repetition: two matches). For 2a and b, for the second, third or fourth repetition, the player will sit out three, six or twelve games, respectively. For 2d one game suspension.

3. Expulsion of a player by the referee for:

a. Insulting, abusing or harassing the officials
b. Serious foul play
c. Repeated complaints against the referee's decisions

Correction: To suspend for two matches.
Cases of repetition: To suspend for four matches. For a subsequent offense the guilty player shall be suspended for twelve months.

4. Expulsion of a player by the referee for:

a. Violence against a player or spectator, i.e. fighting

Correction: To suspend for three matches.
Cases of repetition: To suspend for six matches. For a subsequent offense the guilty player shall be suspended for twelve months.

5. Expulsion of a player by the referee for:

a. Violence against the official(s)
b. A serious act of violence against players or spectators (i.e., a brawl)

Correction: To suspend the guilty player or players for twelve months.
Cases of repetition: To suspend the player "sine die."

6. Misconduct of the whole team.

a. If a whole team abandons the field of play as a demonstration of protest
b. Refusal to continue the match

Correction: Forfeit the game and the attribution of a win to the opposing team

7. Lack of discipline and order in the stadium during the match:

Correction: The Diablo Adult Soccer League is entitled to take disciplinary action against the team responsible for the organization of the match.

Application of suspension

1. For the DASL, the suspension(s) shall be served in the next regular scheduled League game(s) immediately following the game in which the misconduct
occurred.  The player pass of the suspended player shall be in the possession of the Disciplinary Chair to be valid. In addition, the suspended player must be an active player, i.e. listed on a team roster for the suspension to be valid. 

2. These corrections shall apply to players and all other team personnel.

There is a mandatory minimum ten minute cooling off period for any player issued a yellow card. Substitution permitted. Players receiving a yellow card for ANY OF THE MINOR INFRACTIONS, EXCLUDING DISSENT, shall remain out of the game for ten minutes, not including the half time break. A player receiving a yellow card for dissent shall sit out twenty minutes.

In addition to the above rules and their corrections, the Disciplinary Committee has designed a point system where a player will accumulate a given number of points. Once the maximum of nine points is reached, the player shall receive a one match suspension. Additional infractions totaling up to eleven points shall result in a one match suspension for each infraction. When a player reaches twelve points, the player shall receive a two match suspension. Additional infractions totaling up to fourteen points shall result in a two match suspension for each infraction. When a player reaches fifteen points, the player will sit out three matches.  If a player exceeds fifteen points, the Disciplinary Committee shall review further action.  All suspensions due to point accumulation shall be in addition to a suspension from the most recent infraction.

Yellow / No Dissent10 minutes
Yellow / Dissent20 minutes
9 pts1 game
11 pts1 game/ infraction
12 pts2 games
14 pts2 games / infraction
15 pts3 games / review
Redcurrent + 1 game

To arrive at the point total, the following rules will apply:

The last thirteen month of points will be kept on record. A player’s point total shall be reduced by the oldest infraction after 13 months have passed. The following points have been designated to the respective offenses:


Yellow Card Infractions (Points)


Unsporting behavior (2 pts)


Dissent (note 20 minute suspension) (3 pts)


Persistent Infringement (3 pts)


Delaying restart (1 pt)


Entering/reentering the field without referees permission (1 pt)


Failure to respect the distance at restart (3 pts)


Rough Play (4 pts)


Red Card Infractions (Points)


Serious foul play (8 pts)


Violent Conduct (10 pts)


Spits at opponent or other (10 pts)


Denies OGSO by deliberate handling (4 pts)


Denies OGSO by other free kick offense (4 pts)


Offensive, insulting or abusive language or gesture (9 pts)


Second caution in same match (3 pts)

Team offenses will be handled on a case by case basis by the Disciplinary Committee. The Disciplinary Committee may review and then suspend any player who, after three offenses for rough, dangerous, serious foul play, or any combination thereof, receives an additional reprimand.